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SNT - Italy

SNT Industriale has been from many years a leading company in the production of clutch release bearings for heavy and light duty vehicles and passenger cars. Highest quality of the products, guaranteed by skilled staff technically prepared and integrated use of a software system for aided design, also allows the brand to be one of the most popular and appreciated on international scale.
Born at the beginning of the 80’s, SNT Industriale have been incorporated by the actual ownership on 1998 and moved from Torino to Bernareggio (MB) next to Milano, the Italian center of industrial excellence.
Started in this way a new period of raising and development thanks to numerous investments by the installation of machineries and laboratories’ equipments in order to support the more and more sophisticated productive processes and a continuous improvement of the quality, further than the extension of the range of articles, focusing to releasers for heavy-duty vehicles.
On 2004, the new offices and production site have been inaugurated with further enrichment of machineries for production, improvement of the warehouse and development of new equipments to control the quality.

Products :

The most important and fast-moving products of SNT are, release bearings.

Visit www.sntindustriale.it for more information.